J-1 Visa Programs
Global Programs
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Final Program Evaluation

According to our records, you are about to complete your J-1 program. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed your program and will leave with many friends and memorable experiences.

Per the Department of State J-1 regulations, final evaluations are a mandatory requirement of your program. Failure to submit within 5 days of this email will result in program suspension and could affect the final outcome of your program and eligibility to return for additional programs. All information will be used to continue to provide a meaningful program to others following in your footsteps.


Your Name:                                                                    


Host Organization:

Supervisors Name:

Current Housing Address:

Is this a new address?

Phone #


Do you feel your overall experience in the United States met your expectations?
If no, please explain:

Do you feel the information you received regarding the J-1 program prior to your arrival was clear and informative and prepared 
you for your program?
If not, please explain:

What was the most important thing you learned about the U.S. that you did not know before or had the most impact on you?

Overall were you satisfied with your program?
If not, please explain:

What do you feel you have learned on this program that you would not have learned if you participated in a training or internship 
program in your country?

Please compare your personal/professional development from the midpoint of your program to where you are at the conclusion.

Do you feel your supervisors were supportive in your training and and had a clear understanding of program regulations?
If not, what could they have done better to enhance your program?

What was the most valuable thing your supervisor taught you?

Do you feel that your program met your overall expectations both professionally and personally?  Why or Why Not?

As a whole, do you feel your training plan was properly followed by your supervisor?
If  not, please explain: 

Would you recommend this Host Organizations to your friends back home?
Why or Why not?

Would you recommend IEE to your friends back home?  Why or Why not?

What suggestions would you make to enhance the program for others?  

Please describe at least two cultural activities you experienced during your program that you could not have experienced in 
your country?

What are you going to miss the most about the U.S. after your program has been completed?  

We have developed an alumni program for all of our J-1 participants.  If you are interested in participating in our alumni program, 
please fill in the requested information below. You will receive periodic alumni newsletters letting you know about exciting things happening with IEE as well as upcoming events that you may wish to participate in.  We thank you for your participation in our 
programs and hope that you are leaving with a better understanding of American business practices, our culture, many friends and memories. Thank you for sharing your opinion of the program.

Address in your home country:  

Would you be interested in mentoring one of our exchange visitors?  

What activities would you like to see for an alumni group?