J-1 Training Program
The purpose of the J-1 training classification is for young professionals to come to the United States to receive training in their field of specialty through participation in a structured training program. A J-1 trainee is allowed to train for up to 18 months to gain proficiency in their educational and professional background . At the end of the program, participants are given 30 days to travel before departing the country. This type of visa is available for 6, 12 and 18 months. (Only Business Management training positions are available for up to 18 months)
The regulations require that to be eligible to participate in a training program, trainees must have either:
A degree or professional certificate from a foreign post-secondary academic institution outside the United States and at least one year of prior related work experience in their occupational field acquired outside the United States
Five years of work experience outside the United States in their occupational field.
This provision ensures that prospective participants have an established connection with their home country at the time of application for participation in a training program.
To be considered for participation in our Training Program
to submit your resume.